Organizing in VUE


Why Unions are important?

  1. The union gives you a voice at work!  We don't just negotiate salary, benefits and working conditions, we advocate for what you need to do your job!  
  2. With a union, you have a way to problem solve, be proactive and make suggestions for your work place and our district.  Something that is usually difficult to do by yourself.
  3. With a union, you have access to highly trained staff at our VUE office.  The staff can assist you with questions, representation and problem solving.  If you are not sure if what you are being asked to do is appropriate, just make a call to your VUE office.  If you feel you are being picked on or unfairly targeted by your administrator/supervisor, just pick up the phone and call your VUE office.  If you feel that your workload is unfair or your job responsibilities are unclear, just pick up the phone and call your VUE office.  
  4. If someone makes an accusation against you, just call the VUE office, our team of staff and lawyers are here to assist you.
  5. While we cannot solve every issue, we will always work to make sure your voice is heard and that you are treated fairly.  When you have a contract, you have clear rights and responsibilities. 
  6. Did you know that most employees covered by a union contract in our district have tenure after 3 years of working?  As a nurse, technology service staff member or extended day worker, you currently do not have any job protection.  This will be one of the first issues we address, should your group decide to become part of VUE!
  7. Did you know that the union is governed by our members?  Members continually have input into decisions made by our VUE, including what issues we want to bring to the bargaining table.
  8. Did you know that our VUE advocates for issues outside of bargaining.  Even if an issue is not in the contract, we will always advocate for doing what is right for our students and what is fair for all our members.  

How much will Dues be, if we become part of the Union?

  • Instructional dues are  $31.50 per pay check. 
  • Support dues vary depending on the wages earned and the number of pay checks received. 
  • For support staff earning less than $15,000, dues are $9.22 per pay check for staff receiving 21 pay checks, and are less for staff receiving 22 and 24 checks per year. 
  • For support staff earning between $15,001 - $30,000, dues are $15.84 per pay check for staff receiving 21 pay checks, and are less for staff receiving 22 and 24 checks per year.
  • For support staff earning more than $30,001, dues are $21.88 per pay check for staff receiving 21 pay checks, and are less for staff receiving 22 and 24 checks per year. 

What are Dues for?

  • Your dues include membership in our local, state and national unions.
  • Our local dues pay for the VUE office, staff and programs.  Our staff is highly trained to assist members with contract concerns, payroll issues, workplace challenges and representation should an accusation be made against you.  VUE also offers training to members based on your needs.  VUE also negotiates our contracts, which includes pay, health insurance and more.
  • Our State dues support the Florida Education Association (FEA), which advocates for us at the state level, provides attorneys for work related cases, provides training for our staff and leadership and connects us with other unions across the state.
  • Our national dues support the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA).  Together, our national unions represent over 4 million teachers and educational support staff in our nation.  Our national unions provide support for legal representation, advocate for public education at the national level, provide training and conference for members in all areas, including nurses, technology services and extended day programs.

What other Benefits do we get with our membership in VUE?

  • VUE members have access to a host of member benefits.  We get discounts when buying cars, on auto and home insurance, when traveling, shopping and eating out.  
  • Members have saved over $4,000 when buying a new car, usually twice what the average car buyer saves.
  • Members save hundreds of dollars a year by using either of the 2 auto insurance providers that provide our members with discounts.
  • Members save when they go to the movies, as much as $4 per ticket.
  • Members have access to disability insurance that covers as much or more than the district disability insurance, but at much lower rates.
  • Members save on car rentals, hotels and in many restaurants.
  • The list goes on and on.  There are so many ways you can save more than your unions dues.  Again, you will not pay any dues unless we successfully organize your unit into our VUE.

Is there Really an Interest in being part of the union?

You are not alone.  There are more than 3600 employees who work in Volusia County Schools are members of the Volusia United Educators.  VUE is the only voice advocating for better working, teaching and learning conditions within our schools and work sites.